It is, in fact, why we are here.
It’s how Nektium was born and how it has evolved over time.
We not only innovate, we are an innovative company
We have installed a purpose-driven culture that allows us to systematically develop and bring to the market innovative product solutions.
Our continued dedication to botanical science allows us to constantly develop new products via science, ethnobotany, technologies and even new formulations.
But we understand innovation beyond products.
We constantly optimize our processes and technologies, stay at the forefront of analytical methods and relentlessly move our supply chain to full sustainability in order to assure we can always provide highest quality products to an ever more demanding market.
We stay curious, sometimes also venturing a bit into crazyness. Given our background, we understand and cherish the importance of partnerships to bring us forward and fuel our desire to innovate.
Be it with our business partners, collaborations with academia or via our own personal network of experts, some of our partnerships go back to the origin of our company.
With more than half of our staff having enjoyed Universitity education and a committed, diverse workforce, we translate our insights into new product solutions.
With our team and technological capabilities, we can work with different parts of the plants and conduct rapid prototyping, allowing us to deliver solutions from lab to consumers in an agile and effective manner.
Commitment is more than just a word to us. For our business partners as well as for consumers, we offer added value, through the experts we employ, the culture we encourage, the technologies we apply, and the products we develop, while always considering our planet.